motivational coach sheli G

Archive for May, 2013

TOP 5 things that keep Employees happy

In my dad’s era, people stayed with companies for decades, or their whole career. Of course, companies didn’t do as many mass layoffs back then either. So we get that the corporate culture has changed. “Employee Loyalty” is tough to create, but not impossible to at least raise it! Here is what some research, and some opinions, suggest might help.

make a difference

5. Care.

NO I mean really, genuinely care about their lives. You don’t have to be their best friend, whether you manage them or own the company they work for. But, authentic compassion counts. You can intuitively tell if they give a rats. Sheer fakeness you can sense a mile away. ~Having a kind, personal conversation, sending a handwritten thank you card or Birthday note (not from an assistant) or a gift cert to Starbucks occasionally doesn’t hurt anyone’s feelings.

laura high five

4. Humor.

LAUGH. Positivity in the workplace is a HUGE reason people are content and stay a long time. We ALL deserve a break from the stress and results driven work code. There is often a huge need at any job to laugh. Laugh at yourself. Laugh at what didn’t work as you seek to improve it. Laugh often and as much as possible. Create funny content somewhere in the workplace; in your employee manual, in otherwise blah emails, in signs hung in the break-room, on videos that are before or during staff meetings. Play funny (safe, tasteful) tricks. It will go a long way. ~Keep it clean and not at anyone’s real expense.

happy meeting

3. Tell.

Keep them in the loop. People these days are empowered. Obnoxiously so at times. That said, they HATE not being in the loop. So- communication is very key. Bosses who are of the mindset that: “They don’t need to know!” On most things, leave most employees feeling small, disconnected with the company, the leaders, and most importantly the VISION. If they cannot wrap their brain or heart around the vision, it’s a temporary gig. You will be replacing them often. Enroll them. Educate them. Sometimes, do that crazy thing- ask their opinions. (In controlled ways and times) ~Let them know they matter, since they are at the heartbeat of making the business succeed long term.


2. Hire Right.

Everyone has strengths. Period. BUT, too many employers hire or transfer people into the wrong position for that employee. The employer or manager is then frustrated with “What the heck isn’t working??” Your top salesperson almost never makes a great manager- these jobs need totally different skill sets. Your top engineer probably won’t make your best sales rep. Again, generally speaking, the skills, personalities and training needed are way different. So don’t harass people to be good on what they suck at. It’s very UN-motivating. If they are not using their strengths 85% of the time or more in their position, they WILL burn out, and they won’t produce the kind of results you want. (*but their ego and possibly their paycheck increase will have them saying YES to the wrong job- if you offer it)

Get the right interview screenings in place, or hire an Interview consultant. The organizations I consult on Employment screenings use Gallup’s Strengthsfinders version 2.0 (in the US). This will reveal your employees top 5 strengths, in order. Then you and they can both know if they are in a job that organically uses their top strengths most of the time, OR if they can approach that job in their own way, in their best strengths. If they are not in the right role, MOVE THEM to a better one. ~You will both be much, much happier!


1. Acknowledge.

You may have thought money would be here at #1, but it isn’t. Research shows that “Happy Employees” are not as concerned with money as you might assume. General Well Being and happiness come from more than money, and we all know that today. Money can be made or lost, but contentment is tough to achieve. One thing that ALL people love, especially hard working employees, is to be appreciated, treated with respect, and told thank you. EVEN if what they are doing is their job. EVEN if it’s not “your style” to thank people often. Thank them. Tell them “thank you!” in front of their peers as often as possible. Don’t take credit for their good work, give them the credit. Find out where the great ideas are coming from. Give kudos. This promotes them doing those epic things more often. Nothing is more frustrating than the feeling of being taken for granted, every day. ~Remember when someone else took your positive ideas for improvement, implemented them, never mentioning you?

“A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.” Jim Rohn

With charisma alone, influence becomes increasingly more difficult to sustain. With character, as time passes, influence builds and requires less work to sustain.  John Maxwell

sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach


The Wizard of AHAs

oz dorothy in house

Who can forget this totally legit, classic movie? (Although the Wicked Witch STILL freaks me out!)

Well, there is so much more behind Dorothy’s story than we all knew! Never fear, I can fill you in from here…

You see, Dorothy had a whole BUNCH of common ailments she was privately struggling with. She thought if she ran away from home, this would cure everything. She struggled with things like:

Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Insomnia, Headaches, Allergies and more. She couldn’t take all her overwhelming symptoms anymore, so off she went to distract herself from these issues, and find someplace “Over The Rainbow” to see if she would feel better there!

Upon landing in OZ, besides having a headache, feeling terribly jet-lagged and sore, Dorothy was immediately seized by sneezing, coughing…. allergies!  They were much worse in OZ, unfortunately. (so many flowers were blooming there!)

oz flowers

Soon Dorothy’s depression was escalating again, and her anxiety attacks were really coming on! Lucky for Dorothy, she met Scarecrow! Scarecrow was so sweet, and helped distract Dorothy from her own problems, especially when she noticed how screwed up he was too! YES! She was not alone. He also had Allergies and Anxiety, but Scarecrow often struggled with feeling like he had no brain! In truth, he DID have a brain, but sadly he couldn’t focus, he was so easily distracted! He was also really hyper sometimes, and it made learning and just sitting still difficult. One time, some bullies pulled him completely apart! He had Arthritis pains and inflammation from his injuries. So they set off together, hoping that the Wizard of Dr. Oz Dorothy had heard about could help. He apparently was some big, important dude, who claimed he could magically fix anyone.

Soon they bumped into Tin Man. Ironically, Tin Man ALSO seemed sad and in fear, because he thought he had no heart. He had been taking a medication that left him feeling numb instead of better. “Jeepers, is everyone a mess or what?” Dorothy thought. Tin Man also had many aches, pains, rust and mold from being stuck in one position for so long, out in the rain. He had many bug bites that were also bothersome. PLUS, he was so dirty and smelly from not being cleaned for so long. He too needed much help! He joined the adventure to go see Dr. Oz. The Tin Man had Googled Dr. Oz, and the reports on him were both favorable and grandiose, AND quite negative and debatable. There was also great controversy over who was funding Dr. Oz, and the “solutions” he so quickly handed out to all who came.

Now the Wicked Witch was sent from a large covert agency, protected at the highest levels, to cause all kinds of grief and challenges for Dorothy and her friends. She would spray horrible pesticides on all the flowers and food she could find, which polluted everything, and made the people sick. She would give out medicines to “cure” the people of their ailments, but alas, many would become more sick, or even die from the side affects. She was truly evil indeed.

oz witch

The uplifting news was, Glenda, the Good Witch, also appeared from time to time. She smelled wonderfully of Lavender and Sandalwood, which calmed Dorothy and her friends down immediately. She always seemed happy and grounded, (plus her skin was so dang perfect!) Dorothy and her friends were very impressed by her. Glenda always gave Dorothy and her friends hope, that there were answers they would certainly find as they stayed on the sometimes difficult journey of discovery.

oz glenda

Then Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tin Man met Lion. Dorothy soon realized her panic attacks were small-scale compared to Lion’s! He had so much fear, he couldn’t stop shaking. He rarely went out to meet people, and always ran away when he thought challenge was near! He couldn’t keep any job. He was even more depressed than the rest of them, crying all the time! He also had scar tissue from a bad fight (with his wife), and Diabetes. Lion had always eaten too much processed sugar and artificial dyes, given to him largely from the Wicked Witch in her candy and treats. They were all poisons.  “Good grief, MOST of us have issues, don’t we?” Dorothy exclaimed. This started another crying fit from Lion, and so the crew set out to finally meet Dr. Oz, hoping he truly would have all the answers they so desperately needed!

lion oz

When they reached Dr. OZ, there was a sign on his door: “We no longer take most insurances. You must pay BIG cash for all solutions given out here. I am out to lunch and then golfing for a week or two in Hawaii, come back later. For emergencies, call 911”

Well, Dorothy and her Motley Crew were devastated. They intuitively knew all along, that it had all sounded too good to be true.

Just then, they smelled sweet Lavender and Sandalwood… “Glenda!” They all shouted out in glee! “We are in trouble! We have so many problems that are keeping us from enjoying life! What can you do to save us from all our symptoms?”

Glenda smiled. “You three have always had what you needed to be well, you just needed to realize that someone else cannot heal you with their “magic”, only you can do that.” Dorothy and her friends were confused. “Only we can do that? But how?”

“Well, now that you are ready and open to listen to this, Dorothy! God gave you some killer Diva Ruby Pumps girl! If you click your heels three times, they will activate some amazing pure essential Oils to come out of Tin Man’s oil can. These oils have many, if not all the answers for your ailments, symptoms, emotional imbalances and then some. Ready to give them a try? They are all natural, so they cannot hurt you, only help you. I too used to suffer from depression, but not anymore”. “YOU?!! Depressed?!!” Dorothy and crew said in total shock and amazement. (They had always thought Glenda was on Crack, or something that made her happy all the time.)

“What have we got to lose” They all exclaimed! Dorothy clicked on her Ruby Pumps three times…

oz pumps

Lo and behold, Tin Man’s oil can filled up! First with: Lavender,  Orange, Melissa, Sandalwood, Balance, and Elevation oils for all their Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and more.

Then it was full of Frankincense, one of the most powerful oils of all time, which helped all their aches, pains, inflammation, confusion, wrinkles, fatigue, infections, pre-cancerous cells and SO much more.

Next is always a crowd favorite, Deep Blue. It instantly provided pain relief from sore achy muscles and joints, plus began the longer healing process with all their former injuries. Heavenly!

Then came Purify and On Guard oils to clean and disinfect their bodies, shoes and clothes. Dorothy was so glad to know she could clean her whole house and car with no toxic fumes for her or Toto to inhale. Ahhhhh.

Then the wonderful Melaleuca Oil for Toto’s painful chronic ear infections.  🙂

  • Headaches? Past Tense(blend) or Peppermint
  • ADD or ADHD symptoms? Vetiver, In Tune(blend), Lavender, Serenity(blend), Elevation(blend), Balance(blend), Frankincense, Melissa
  • Bug Repellant? Terrashield(blend)
  • Asthma/Allergies? Breathe(blend), Peppermint, Frankincense (2 drop Lemon+2 drops Lavender+2 drops Peppermint in an all natural veggie capsule= organic antihistamine)
  • Weight Issues? Slim and Sassy(blend)
  • Spider Issues? Peppermint diluted with water in a spray bottle
  • Wicked Witch? On Guard kills bacteria, viruses, and most bad things. 🙂  All doTERRA oils are Antibacterial.

There is so much more… but you get the idea. *Along with a healthy organic diet, lots of filtered water, exercise and good rest, and pure essential oils are another incredible solution to thousands of issues we all face every day.

be th elove

Please like and share if this can help someone else, or someone you love. BE WELL!!!

Many MIRACULOUS Blessings,

Sheli G Speaker | CEO Women Ignite | Team Igniter | Comedian

5 Women Leaders Who Inspire Me

” I will not just live my life. I will not just spend my life. I will INVEST my life.” ~ Helen Keller

helen keller at 40

Helen Keller’s almost inconceivable journey from her childhood struggles to communicate with anyone due to her many disabilities, to a woman of victory, clarity in purpose, and being the World Changer she still is globally- is in my opinion one of the greatest heroine stories of the 20th century.

Helen’s triumph as a young deaf-blind girl, with her incredible teacher Anne Sullivan mentoring her, is but the beginning of her story. Her leadership skills would be used for activism, in a time that it was very difficult for women to be respected for being outspoken, and taking on the system. She opened the gateway for not only people with disabilities to imagine miracles coming in and through their lives, but she educated those without disabilities, that it IS a disability to limit others with our judgement. She modeled to us that disabilities are just challenges, that like all of us, we can overcome with hard work and determination.

Helen pushed for epic changes in the law, and created a place in our culture for people with disabilities to move from the hidden places, to mainstream education and employment opportunities. Her advancements have helped not only those with disabilities, but have inspired women of all backgrounds and races to realize what a difference one passionate voice can make. –Great leaders harness and use their strengths, and don’t let their perceived weaknesses stop them. 


” Love cannot remain by itself,  it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action, and that action is SERVICE . ” ~Mother Teresa

mother teresa2

Mother Teresa Devoted her entire adult life to the service and care of the poor, oppressed and the dying. It seemed almost inconceivable, until she did it, with humility. She also struggled with her own dragons so to speak, as we all do. Battling Depression and loneliness, Mother Teresa still chose service to others as her ultimate goal and purpose. She became a global icon for truly selfless Christ-like service to others. She personally cared for 1000’s of sick and dying people in Calcutta, and trained countless other volunteers, staff and as many as would listen, how to do the same.  She was awarded the Nobel Peace prize in 1979. She honored others religious beliefs, while standing very firm in her own. She was known to be incredibly respectful to other cultures, races and traditions. She focused on showing others the pure and holy love of God, in big and small ways every day, until her death. –Great leaders always give more than they take.


“ The only tired I was, was tired of GIVING IN ” ~Rosa Parks

rosa parks

Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white man on Dec 1st 1955.  This was the beginning of what led to some of the most significant civil rights legislation of American history.
“Each person must live their life as a model for others.”~ Rosa Parks   (can I hear an AMEN here!)
Rosa was an African-American civil rights activist whom the U.S. Congress called the “Mother of the Modern-Day Civil Rights Movement”. WOW!
Her arrest and trial for this “act of civil disobedience” on Dec 1st in the refusal of giving up her seat on the bus, triggered the Montgomery Bus Boycott; one of the largest and most successful mass movements against racism and segregation in our history. This also launched the highly influential Martin Luther King, Jr., one of the promoters of the boycott, to the main-stage of the civil rights movement. Rosa’s role in history earned her an iconic status in American culture. Her life and brave, committed actions have left an enduring legacy for civil rights movements, and all women around the world. –Great leaders sacrifice and risk, to pave the way for others behind them to have more opportunities.
“No longer do you have the luxury of being a bench-warmer. Today is the day to declare and step out with your gifts and share them with the world. THIS IS IT! This is your year. This is the year that you can make a huge impact in the world.” ~Arvee Robinson
arvee career1
Arvee Robinson is a Master speaker trainer and persuasive speaking coach. She teaches business owners, service professionals and entrepreneurs how to use public speaking as a marketing strategy so they can grow their business and get their message out to the world. As a high-energy motivational speaker, Arvee has shared the stage with speaking giants such as: Mark Victor Hansen, Loral Langemeier, Chris Howard, and many more. Her training and coaching programs transform ordinary business professionals to superstars in their industry.
I personally have been trained and coached by Arvee. Her passion, organization, vision and compassion make her one of the top leaders in her field today.Great leaders inspire others to do more, tell more and BE MORE.
 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed ONLY ONE. Mary has chosen what is better.” ~ Jesus re: Mary & Martha
mary w jesus

The story is told in the Bible in Luke 10, of two sisters, Mary and Martha. Jesus comes to visit them, and Martha is busy with (the always endless!) household chores, while Mary sits at the feet of Jesus. Martha complains to Jesus that she’s doing all the work.  Jesus encourages her to be more like Mary.  Martha was too busy being, well… just busy. Meanwhile, Mary realized that to sit and learn at Jesus feet was far more important in that precious moment. Which would you choose. What would you choose today? –Great leaders know how to prioritize, and seize profound priceless opportunities to grow.

If you know a woman who has inspired you with her story, please comment on this blog and give her some well deserved props!

PLEASE Like, send and share this blog if it touched you. Thank you 🙂

Many Blessings,

sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach

It’s my Birthday and I’ll Blog if I want too…

happy birthday blog

YES- It is really my birthday. Today I am 44.

It’s my birthday, so I am (trying) to do what I think I should, and what everyone on Facebook says I should: Be spoiled, pampered, relax, enjoy my day.

But to me, as with any true Entrepreneur, this is….weird, awkward…. (and super hard!)

I wake up at 5 or 6AM if I sleep in, and begin to pray and meditate about my day. Then my brain takes over: What logistics do I need to handle? Phone calls, meetings, articles to write, stuff to follow up on, blog! Then on to what really matters: Who do I need to connect with today? Who needs help, support, encouragement, education, tips, inspiration, a warning, a scripture, honesty, strategy, a referral, consultation, counsel, challenge, or love?

And of course there are my three kids, Tyger 14, Teisha 7 and Trae 5. They keep me very busy, laughing, growing and challenged. Then there is my husband… aka my other kid 🙂

Did I mention my three dogs? Yep (ask my kid of a husband about how we got 3) Honey, Hurley and Belle.

And the house. Oh, the many (many) many to do’s that are always lurking within.

kids n us 2013

Family, Charity, Business, Ministry…. time for me? That is just silly talk- usually. Many Entrepreneurs do much of their work from a home office these days. So the boundaries are hard to draw. Everywhere we look, the desk, computer, the house… the freakin yard (yikes) it all begs to be tended to. Like most small business owners, I have to seriously prioritize, attack, and then release at the end of the day what I have not yet achieved.

But alas, when I facilitate Strategic Business or Breakthrough Life Coaching with a client, I always tell them to make sure they are blocking out time for them! To rejuvenate, relax, think, pray, laugh, eat, heal. Hmmmmmm.

So today is my birthday. (I know, I repeated that…I am really just reminding myself) I normally totally ignore my birthday, and just do work and life as per usual.

SOooooo I am blogging, eating potato chips with coffee, going to go back to bed for a couple of hours and watch an action movie I have wanted to watch but have not had (made) time for. I am going to listen to ridiculously good music. I am going to pet my adorable dogs. I am going to not worry so much about my long list of to do’s, should do’s, and my longer list of people I so want to help support in some way. When I come back (tomorrow) I will be REIGNITED! Y E S!

And I will be connecting, I hope, with YOU.

birthday blog sheli g

Many Blessings,
sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach

5 things my Dog taught me about Business

Dogs are amazing. They innately know some things that we as Leaders deserve to observe and implement about business, and people.

5) If you smell, it’s time for a bath.

Black pug in hoodie on a white background

Good hygiene and grooming are very important in business. No matter what business you are in, you need to avoid offending people with how you look or smell. Every business has a dress code or culture to follow with great variances. But whatever that code is, be the best in your field. For Leaders and Business Owners wanting to gain clients, there are some keys to your best look:

~ Keep Hair clean, cut and up to date on style. (if you don’t know, go to a salon that knows and get them to help you or at least affirm or debate what you think is a good style/cut)

~ Clothes should ALWAYS, in all ways, be clean, pressed, and be the right SIZE. (when you gain or lose weight, get the new size. Tight on cash? Go thrifting or Ebaying for great deals)

~ Shoes always need to be polished, by you or someone. (unpolished shoes send all kinds of negative messages to your boss, clients etc)

~ Shower daily. Yep.

~ Teeth & breath need to be clean. (if you smoke and or drink coffee, brush after or use a mint or mouthwash please)

4) If you bark loudly and/or often, you will struggle with people- often.

As an extroverted person myself, I learned this important lesson: There is a difference between your inside voice and your outside voice. (If you don’t know what I mean, get a coach or mentor to explain)    🙂

3) Forgiveness is King.

dog kid

Forgiveness allows the relationship to reset endlessly, love unconditionally, and your tail to wag frequently.

We all make mistakes. It’s called being human. Let 99% roll off, and work out the rest. Save your energy for your work goals… avoid the drama!

2) Train them up in the way they should go.

Dogs act exactly how their owner trains them to. So do people. Be accountable as a Manager, Leader or Business Owner. Train them correctly, support them adequately, and they will succeed. If they don’t, they need more training and support, perhaps more than just by you. Bring in a neutral, objective Business and Life Coach. (*Hint- if your whole team is not acting as you would like them to, it’s not the individuals, it’s the system, the leadership, or both.)

1) The best dogs are irreplaceable.

dog backpack

And so are great people. They are not expendable.

~ Get really good people in the RIGHT job for them. *No one succeeds long-term in the wrong position. (which means YOU need to find, screen and place or transfer them well)

~ Train and support them exceptionally well in business, and their life. (they are not neatly separated with walls as we would like to think)

~ And above all, encourage and affirm their strengths.We get a lot of negative. We need to know what IS working about what we are doing, which propels us to do that more.

Employees, partners or associates will be very loyal to you, as you create and maintain a healthy, positive business culture for them to thrive in.

Many Blessings,
sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach

EXPOSED. Opportunity, or Overwhelm?


What opportunities should I take? AND What do I pass on?

It’s the toughest question since the recession. People still spend their money and time. Opportunities are bombarding us from every angle  more than ever. From the people around us, to our online activity, to our cell phones bringing all our contacts and options to us 24/7… it’s endless. (until you shut it DOWN) 🙂

Business owners DO still need to invest in themselves, and their businesses to adapt, and move forward at the speed of the culture and their own dreams. This will never change.

SO- where do the people you want to be like when you “grow up”, or go to your next LEVEL UP hang out? What are they doing? What is working for them? What challenges you about your business and your life right now, and who knows how to navigate that? Who has been there and has some keys?

The Gathering Choose in

Forget about the places that we used to network at. (at least re-think them. ALL of them.)

Forget about business and activity that doesn’t result in either a direct deposit to your bottom line, or you truly developing as a leader and a person. Forget about the things you have always done in the past, or were committed to, or served on the board of (or committee of, yikes) … if they are not serving you anymore, or you just know it’s time for the new. Forget about places, people and events, if you leave them unmoved, unchanged, and drained.

Go where inspiration, innovation and collaboration COLLIDE… at sometimes even an alarming rate! Have some adrenaline charged fun expanding, challenging yourself and others, and hanging out with the passionate, driven people making their visions a tangible reality today. Life is urgent and precious. What legacy are you leaving behind if you drifted away in your sleep tonight?

sheli use your wings

Start living the bucket list NOW. You were given your visions and dreams because God thought YOU were the one to set them free and see them through. Prove him right.


Many Blessings,
sheli  G
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to unleash the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

Connect with me on:

The Explosive power of the Collective

happy meeting

Mastermind Groups.

We have all heard of them. IF you have not been in a GREAT one, you are missing an incredible  amount of opportunity to expand yourself, your business, and your INCOME- in record time.

What is a Mastermind? (just a room full of superegos?)

I am glad you asked. A GOOD mastermind is not about stroking egos. (unless that is the intention of the group)

A Mastermind by definition is: a person who grows, makes or invents things, someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality, a person who plans and directs skillfully. In a Mastermind group or team, you simply add the collective to this, *which significantly amplifies the results. (YES!)

Collaboration is: to work jointly with others especially in an intellectual endeavor. Collaboration is the key to unlocking objective, exponential ideas, unlimited resources, power connections and critical information.

The Gathering Choose in

What’s the best Mastermind Team for me?

You deserve to be a part of a Mastermind team that has something in common with you and where you are going, or what your highest intention is. Are you just wanting a free, casual, non-accountable group? Or a higher level one where the members expect real, tangible growth? There is no right or wrong here, but there is a big difference.

There are different kinds of groups which can be brilliantly collaborative, like: Entrepreneurs, Sales, Marketing, Start Ups, Christian Business Owners, Women’s groups and Men’s groups. Sometimes the varying backgrounds can be a massive opportunity to support one another and get support, since we all know our strengths and challenges, and develop a well oiled reciprocating system that pays huge dividends.

The Leader of the Mastermind

leadership 1

Listen- your Mastermind will be as good as it’s leader. Period.

The Best Mastermind groups are run by leaders who have 1) Achieved measurable, obvious success in the area they are facilitating! 2) Have a proven system in place from start to finish that efficiently guides all the brainpower in the room (otherwise it’s chaos)  3) A never-ending desire to grow themselves and 4) A desire to genuinely help their students with compassion and truth in their journey.


circle of people

The good news is: Mastermind groups that are working WELL are objective, and sometimes even brutally honest. The truth is, you may not always like what you hear. You may hear things like: “Your website sucks- and Aunt Margaret should NOT have created it for you.” You may hear that your power point presentation puts people to sleep. You may hear that your attire or professional appearance needs an update (asap). You may hear that you need to spend more money to make more money. In fact, the high level Mastermind groups cost significant money. AND- they are worth it.

The good news is: you DESERVE to hear the objective feedback, both nice and not, to expand and grow yourself and your income rapidly, which is why most of us are in a Mastermind group.

The other good news is: you will receive a tremendous amount of affirmation about your strengths, gifts and abilities, perhaps even in areas you did not have on your radar before!

Got Results?

It’s like a Purse (or a Murse if you are a man), YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU you YOU PUT INTO IT. Period. There is no magic pill or cliffs-notes here. If you cheat- you cheat yourself, as well as the group. So doing the risk-taking goal setting, the homework, the calls, the meetings, and spending the time, money, energy… and risking questioning everything you are currently doing- ready to let go of what you need to… all of that makes this game really work.  So it ain’t for the weary, the victims, the overly prideful or the frauds.

The Bottom Line.

IF you do all the work, and truly play to win on every level, you will be absolutely thrilled with what you get out of it. And, MORE importantly in the big picture, you will love the giving. What can you offer and give to others? You have unique skills, strengths, gifts, and experiences. In the end, we feel the best when we give to and serve others. This is still a key to why most people who we deem “successful” got where they are. It’s not all about you.

Email me if you are interested in a mastermind, we will find you a compatible one, Let’s SCALE!

Helping Hand

Many Blessings,
sheli  G
CEO Women Ignite Idaho Conference and Trade Show
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International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to ignite the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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Contact me: Skype coach.sheli