motivational coach sheli G

Archive for April, 2016

You Can’t Buy Mastery

Twenty years ago, I watched phenomenal facilitators work with people in human development. I studied and listened in awe while they, as we say in Personal Development Land, “processed” their students. These facilitators or coaches would do focused work with the students, from the students point of tension, pain or confusion. The facilitator would guide them, as the student was willing, to the other side, or at least help them to take some real some steps forward. This experiential learning is profound in both business settings, or personal growth.

I was amazed.

It was incredible to see these coaches real-time, and watch as their intuitive hits rang spot on, nearly every time they spoke. What?? Yes.

In my naiveté I wondered… how do they know? How do they see what’s behind the mask of emotion, the story, the walls, or the rhetoric? How did they know that person was ready to finally breakthrough or scale? Now, I know.


It’s a calling.

Sounds spiritual. And…I believe it is. When you step into your calling, purpose or cause, the greatest parts of you are unlocked and ignited. Your intuitive or spiritual self combines with your ability, education and effort. When you find the thing or things that you were created to do, if you’re aware, you know.

And then there’s the final key to mastery, time. You can’t quick-link to that level of mastery simply from text books, teachers and mentors. You can’t metabolize quotes, information or inspiration, such that you can just propel it forward into others, with spot on timing and nearly flawless delivery.

When someone who isn’t ready attempts a mastery level role, their students or employees won’t find as much value.

women entrepreneur

The gold, magic and pure power of experience,  collaborates to bring all your raw talent and passion together.  It’s hard to articulate if you’ve never experienced it yourself.

I studied hard. I was trained, mentored, and certified in personal development and business consulting. #serialentrepreneur I worked and I served for countless hours. Years of being a committed, consistent student, working from where I was, both failing and succeeding along the way… and yet reaching for mastery. Those are the touchstones of my capacity to deliver my work today. And I just adore what I do.


The Big Mistake…
Is- skipping parts of this rights-of-passage process, because of impatience, poor mentoring, ego or entitlement. To be exceptional, your mastery levels must always be humbly, earned.

Don’t skip any part of the perfect process that these elements will bring to your practice, cause or calling. The old truth of 10,000 hours of experience, or something like that, truly is the golden key that brings your vision to fruition.

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The Secret
Humility reminds you to take the journey, with no shortcuts. Humility… when you know that there is so much yet to learn about, experience and understand. And when you reach a mastery level, you will know. But, you will still make mistakes. And you won’t think of the epic successes as yours, but they will belong to your clients, and those you mentor.

And as you continue, more humility greets you with the kiss of knowing, that we are all equally called to greatness. No one is ever bigger or smaller in the circle. It’s not about Race. Geography. Gender. Profession. Religion. The big difference is, only some say yes to the call.

Say Y E S

Career pic

Sheli G
Speaker | Team Igniter | Comedian | Author |