motivational coach sheli G

Archive for October, 2013


Pastors. Presidents. CEO’s…Get Naked.

Leaders. Influencers. Speakers. Authors. It’s time. It’s PAST time. Time to GET REAL.


If you are already real, then cool beans. BUT, If not….

Quit acting like you have no insecurities.

Quit acting like you don’t make mistakes.

Quit acting better than.

Quit being in denial about your own issues, because you’re so good at exposing others weak spots. I know, because we all have them. I have them, big-time. You do too.

Don’t get me wrong. There are some really, really good leaders. GREAT leaders. WORLD CHANGING Leaders! YES! Just- not nearly enough.


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The American Church. Many nice buildings, where people dress up nice. They put on nice faces. AND- they shove down their hurts, habits, hangups, dark secrets and sins…and act all “Sunday School”. Not because they want to, actually. But because that is what they have been trained to do. It’s is what they know how to do in typical church culture. They mean well! They just don’t know how to show up any differently. And, would it be really OK if they did? If they came in smoking. If they admitted to the addiction. If they said their marriage was hanging on by a thread. If they admitted to being attracted to the same sex. If they told you they were bankrupt. If they said they had been abused by a church member….. Well, um…what then? Are we actually ready for that? We should be. They need love, a SAFE place to meet God and do their work, resources, support and answers. I need that. You do too. Bring on the Naked Church.

The perfect church service,would be one we were almost unaware of.
Our attention would have been on God.
 C.S. Lewis



I know. I actually dread saying it. I cannot believe I am bringing it up. I usually avoid it. It brings up more triggers for people today than religion. For real. It divides us. Even though we all feel we know the right way… The “truth”. Then- why is everything so screwed up? We accuse the Millennials of not trusting or respecting authority. Should they?

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We are the voters. All this blame stuff hasn’t worked. To change, to get better, we have to ALL take responsibility. To be accountable- for ourselves, our history, our current state, and mostly for our future. Honestly, can you or I trust what ANY president says? 100%? Regardless of the party affiliation. Would you stake your life on any president being set up in the system we currently have, to tell the TOTAL truth, transparently, without political or personal repercussion or retribution? I need that honesty and transparency in order to trust. You do too. Bring on the Naked Government.

“In my country we go to prison first and then become President.”~Nelson Mandela

“Unlike some politicians, I can admit to a mistake.”~Nelson Mandela



Many leaders, both men and women, are still driven from EGO the majority of the time. A great education, great experience, a good cause, a great mind…they are not enough today. A true World Changing leader also develops oneself internally; with expansive personal development, spiritual awareness and authentic global concern. Leaders are not just modeling how to do business as usual; they should be modeling how to live a well balanced, truly healthy life in all aspects.

Women currently hold only 4.2 percent of Fortune 500 CEO roles, and 4.2 percent of Fortune 1000 CEO roles. Dr. Jack Zenger argues that this is due primarily to a change in leadership styles. Moving from a command-and-control style of leadership to a more collaborative model plays, he argues, to women’s strengths. Women are better listeners, better at building relationships and more collaborative and that, he argues, makes them better adapted to the demands of modern leadership. Asked to explain, therefore, why women haven’t fared better in the corporate hierarchy, he’s at somewhat of a loss. Thirty six percent of men say they want to be CEO, where only 18 percent of women say they do. Women have two jobs — the notorious second shift at home — while men, well, don’t do quite so much. And Zenger thinks also that boards simply lack confidence in women. Few have ever seen a female CEO and don’t recognize that, Dr. Zenger says.

this is who I am

I believe our men can also be supported to bring in more of the relational, collaborative style to their leadership. I think they are hungry for it too. It’s not our dad’s corporate culture anymore. Relationships matter.

There are also too many companies with a culture of cut-throat competition. Collaboration IS inspiration! Don’t we know? Pride on steroids and fierce vs. playful competition drowns the human creative and productive spirit. It also drops your ROI long term.

Some companies have laid so many people off, that they have great people left…doing the job of 3-4 people. I spoke to a friend who manages a team at HP. She said everyone on her team was on some sort of antidepressant. This is the net result, I believe, of asking great people to cram 3 work days into 1.  It’s a short term model. It’s unhealthy. A burn out plan. A profit killer.

When will we all get on the train of connectedness, allowing people to find their strengths, and give them the tools to help them identify and cultivate those? Then- allow them to operate and SOAR in those supernatural strengths. That’s what a real leader does- they show others how to harness the World-Changing Leader in themselves. Everyone has sheer brilliance in something. Everyone has passion. People are AMAZING!!!!   We all just need to be unlocked. I do. and you do too. Bring on the Naked Leadership.

This is the sassiest blog I have ever written. I would apologize… as I truly don’t mean to offend or hurt anyone. But, it’s really “up” for me. I know because my heart rate is up while I write this! It’s real. I feel it needs to be said. I don’t even know all the reasons why. But there it is. Bring on the Naked Blogging.

world changer

Many Blessings,
sheli  G
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to unleash the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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Contact me: Skype coach.sheli

10 Surprising Comparisons: Eagles and Leaders

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The bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus), the US national bird, is the only eagle unique to North America.
Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey

Let’s look at some very interesting comparisons between the World Changing Leader and the Eagle. Some may surprise you…

10) Eagles sit at the top of the food chain. This makes them more vulnerable to toxic chemicals in the environment, since each link in the food chain tends to concentrate chemicals from the lower link.

As a leader, there are many dynamics at play when you are at “The Top”.

eagle top

Zig Ziglar’s famous book, “See you at the Top” written some twenty five years ago wasn’t the first nor will it be the last to attract leaders globally with the focus of being at the top! But what does that mean? To be a leader is a huge responsibility. To whom much is given, much is certainly expected. When you rise up to significant leadership positions of a company or a team, you will have all eyes on you for stand-apart organizational and inspirational direction. However, I find that most leaders, myself included- are much harder on ourselves.

We set our own bar EXCEPTIONALLY (freakin) HIGH.

As we work with people, we find that we are deeply involved/invested in their professional bliss, and their challenges. But we also find ourselves in the midst of their personal ups and downs too. Leadership today isn’t a neatly compartmentalized system. Leaders come along side of the people looking to us for inspired direction, and we do not draw those Black and White lines in the sand. So- we as leaders find ourselves exposed. We are exposed to people’s tragedies, toxins and toils. A World Changing leader knows how to authentically help and direct, but not to metabolize and hang on to those toxins inwardly.

9) Eyesight – An eagle’s eye is at least four times as powerful and sharp as that of a person with perfect vision.

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What is it like, to see clearly from miles and miles away- when others can only see in the short distance? World Changers must be able to not only grasp a vision that inspires themselves, but they must be able to articulate that vision outward, and enroll others successfully into that picture. 

8) Eagles do not sweat, so they use many other creative cool-down methods.

I know- Leaders DO sweat. 🙂

BUT World Changing Leaders don’t show it. Today’s leader knows when to be vulnerable. To be authentic and real in a country where we have a lot of uber superficiality that is promoted- isn’t easy. *I am a big fan of the Leader that understands the necessity and timing of intentional Vulnerability.

That said, our teams and companies do not need to see us sweat, ie; panic, freak out, over-react, project frustration onto them, or make irrational accusations or decisions. We have all seen leadership like that, be they owners, managers, team leaders or (gulp) the government. What our teams DO need to see from us, is our intentional cool/calm down methods, and come back to them clear, grounded, inspired and ready to continue partnering with them to get through the eye of any storm, together.

7) Eagles tolerate VERY cold temperatures.  A bald eagle’s skin is protected by feathers lined with down. Their feet are cold resistant.

Leaders can take subzero temperatures.

Economy turns. Employee challenges. Stiff Competition. Cultural Apathy. The most difficult decisions. High Stakes meetings. Pressure. Extreme COLD and extreme HEAT.

Simon Cowell, creator of American Idol, once told Oprah Winfrey “I have to be that tough on the contestants. If they cannot handle me, my feedback and challenging them, they are no where near ready to face Hollywood and the cold hard press.” How very true. Likewise, if you are too sensitive and defensive, taking everything personally, you will never make it long term as a manager or Entrepreneur. It will destroy you. Not everyone is cut out for the pressure. We all have different, amazing gifts. That is the beautiful thing.


6) Beak.  A Bald Eagle’s beak is a strong weapon, but is also delicate enough to groom a mate’s feathers or feed a small portion of food to a newly hatched chick. The beak of a captive eagle is not worn down naturally, so it must be trimmed annually.

I think this is a great metaphor for our powerful voice as a leader.


Leaders do well when they are passionate, eloquent, profound, and phenomenal speakers; from the large crowds to an intimate one on one. Our words have the power to heal, help, and honor. Our words can also wound, tear, and destroy. We must be vigilant to be truly responsible for what we say. Are our words valuable, helpful, wise and thought out? If not, trim back the beak! Get a Life and Leadership Mastery Coach to objectively help. And remember, an “I’m sorry” from a leader is powerful- when it’s authentic. We all screw things up sometimes. World Changers own their mistakes.

5) Talons.  Eagles can open and close their talons at will. If an eagle is dragged into the water by a fish too large for the eagle to lift, it is because the eagle refuses to release it. In some cases this is due to hunger.


My friend and mentor Les Brown says “You’ve got to be HUNGRY!”

Hungry IS good. But, scarcity; emotionally, physically, financially, or spiritually for too long- isn’t good. When the fish is too big, or you are not ready, drop it before YOU go completely under. There was a time many years ago that after economic turns, competitive pressures, and a bogus former employee law suit all came into play… I realized that a business I had started, also needed to come to a close. It wasn’t easy at that time. I had prepared for the GO GO GO do do do! I had not realized that some dreams are for a time, and they are meant to end too. Those are the lessons, and our teachers, and they are for a time. It’s OK. If a business, relationship, habit, behavior, addiction, job, or whatever is dragging you under, please- don’t go down with the Titanic. Open your talons and let go! Create the space in your hands and heart for the magnificent fish that is coming, that is the perfect one for RIGHT NOW.

4) Most Birds of Prey look back over their shoulder before they move forward in a hunt. Not Eagles.

Some look back. Don’t.

In my favorite book it says: “Forgetting what is behind, and reaching forth unto what lies ahead. I press on towards the goal!” Phil 3:13.

We cannot actually forget the past. But we can absolutely learn from it, move on from it, and put our energy into this very moment and beyond. That is what future achievements are made up of… starting right NOW. It’s about this moment. Let us begin.

3) Eagles Glide.

With a massive wingspan of up to eight feet, their wings victoriously spread out wide.

To help them soar, eagles use thermals which are rising currents of warm air. Soaring or gliding is accomplished with minimal wing-flapping, enabling them to conserve precious energy. Long-distance flights are accomplished by climbing high in a thermal, then gliding downward to catch the next thermal. Their wings are strong but heavy, so this is a VITAL part of the survival mechanism of the Eagle. Eagles are considered master fliers. They can fly to heights that no other bird can. They have been seen flying as high as some of our airplanes fly.

Several eagles soaring in a thermal together is described as a “Kettle of Eagles.”

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So World Changers… jump off that cliff. You were born to. You were trained and educated to. You must! Find the warm winds. Use your powerful wings. But also remember to glide, rest, meditate, and lean on your amazing team. Don’t pump those huge wings all the time! You don’t need too, and you may burn out. Soar when you can. You will need that energy later.

2) Though eagles mate for life, they often fly alone.

World Changing Leaders are loyal. We care about relationships and have learned how to succeed in them. Our families are very important to us.

There are days when leaders feel alone. Make sure that when you need help- you reach out for it. Find a “Kettle of Eagles” to fly in; a mastermind group, a Master Life Coach, a small group that you can be supported by, collaborate and laugh with. World changers do not have to do it all alone.

1) Eagles Live on Higher Ground.Don’t ever sell out!

World Changers are honest. They are compassionate. They give. They give when no one knows they are giving. They don’t create followers, they help support other emerging leaders! They take the high road, the road much less traveled. And that WILL make all the difference. World Changers live on Higher Ground.

world changer

Many Blessings,
sheli  G
CEO Women Ignite Idaho Conference and Trade Show
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to ignite the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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Contact me: Skype coach.sheli