motivational coach sheli G

Posts tagged ‘CPTG’

The Wizard of AHAs

oz dorothy in house

Who can forget this totally legit, classic movie? (Although the Wicked Witch STILL freaks me out!)

Well, there is so much more behind Dorothy’s story than we all knew! Never fear, I can fill you in from here…

You see, Dorothy had a whole BUNCH of common ailments she was privately struggling with. She thought if she ran away from home, this would cure everything. She struggled with things like:

Depression, Anxiety, Panic attacks, Insomnia, Headaches, Allergies and more. She couldn’t take all her overwhelming symptoms anymore, so off she went to distract herself from these issues, and find someplace “Over The Rainbow” to see if she would feel better there!

Upon landing in OZ, besides having a headache, feeling terribly jet-lagged and sore, Dorothy was immediately seized by sneezing, coughing…. allergies!  They were much worse in OZ, unfortunately. (so many flowers were blooming there!)

oz flowers

Soon Dorothy’s depression was escalating again, and her anxiety attacks were really coming on! Lucky for Dorothy, she met Scarecrow! Scarecrow was so sweet, and helped distract Dorothy from her own problems, especially when she noticed how screwed up he was too! YES! She was not alone. He also had Allergies and Anxiety, but Scarecrow often struggled with feeling like he had no brain! In truth, he DID have a brain, but sadly he couldn’t focus, he was so easily distracted! He was also really hyper sometimes, and it made learning and just sitting still difficult. One time, some bullies pulled him completely apart! He had Arthritis pains and inflammation from his injuries. So they set off together, hoping that the Wizard of Dr. Oz Dorothy had heard about could help. He apparently was some big, important dude, who claimed he could magically fix anyone.

Soon they bumped into Tin Man. Ironically, Tin Man ALSO seemed sad and in fear, because he thought he had no heart. He had been taking a medication that left him feeling numb instead of better. “Jeepers, is everyone a mess or what?” Dorothy thought. Tin Man also had many aches, pains, rust and mold from being stuck in one position for so long, out in the rain. He had many bug bites that were also bothersome. PLUS, he was so dirty and smelly from not being cleaned for so long. He too needed much help! He joined the adventure to go see Dr. Oz. The Tin Man had Googled Dr. Oz, and the reports on him were both favorable and grandiose, AND quite negative and debatable. There was also great controversy over who was funding Dr. Oz, and the “solutions” he so quickly handed out to all who came.

Now the Wicked Witch was sent from a large covert agency, protected at the highest levels, to cause all kinds of grief and challenges for Dorothy and her friends. She would spray horrible pesticides on all the flowers and food she could find, which polluted everything, and made the people sick. She would give out medicines to “cure” the people of their ailments, but alas, many would become more sick, or even die from the side affects. She was truly evil indeed.

oz witch

The uplifting news was, Glenda, the Good Witch, also appeared from time to time. She smelled wonderfully of Lavender and Sandalwood, which calmed Dorothy and her friends down immediately. She always seemed happy and grounded, (plus her skin was so dang perfect!) Dorothy and her friends were very impressed by her. Glenda always gave Dorothy and her friends hope, that there were answers they would certainly find as they stayed on the sometimes difficult journey of discovery.

oz glenda

Then Dorothy, Scarecrow and Tin Man met Lion. Dorothy soon realized her panic attacks were small-scale compared to Lion’s! He had so much fear, he couldn’t stop shaking. He rarely went out to meet people, and always ran away when he thought challenge was near! He couldn’t keep any job. He was even more depressed than the rest of them, crying all the time! He also had scar tissue from a bad fight (with his wife), and Diabetes. Lion had always eaten too much processed sugar and artificial dyes, given to him largely from the Wicked Witch in her candy and treats. They were all poisons.  “Good grief, MOST of us have issues, don’t we?” Dorothy exclaimed. This started another crying fit from Lion, and so the crew set out to finally meet Dr. Oz, hoping he truly would have all the answers they so desperately needed!

lion oz

When they reached Dr. OZ, there was a sign on his door: “We no longer take most insurances. You must pay BIG cash for all solutions given out here. I am out to lunch and then golfing for a week or two in Hawaii, come back later. For emergencies, call 911”

Well, Dorothy and her Motley Crew were devastated. They intuitively knew all along, that it had all sounded too good to be true.

Just then, they smelled sweet Lavender and Sandalwood… “Glenda!” They all shouted out in glee! “We are in trouble! We have so many problems that are keeping us from enjoying life! What can you do to save us from all our symptoms?”

Glenda smiled. “You three have always had what you needed to be well, you just needed to realize that someone else cannot heal you with their “magic”, only you can do that.” Dorothy and her friends were confused. “Only we can do that? But how?”

“Well, now that you are ready and open to listen to this, Dorothy! God gave you some killer Diva Ruby Pumps girl! If you click your heels three times, they will activate some amazing pure essential Oils to come out of Tin Man’s oil can. These oils have many, if not all the answers for your ailments, symptoms, emotional imbalances and then some. Ready to give them a try? They are all natural, so they cannot hurt you, only help you. I too used to suffer from depression, but not anymore”. “YOU?!! Depressed?!!” Dorothy and crew said in total shock and amazement. (They had always thought Glenda was on Crack, or something that made her happy all the time.)

“What have we got to lose” They all exclaimed! Dorothy clicked on her Ruby Pumps three times…

oz pumps

Lo and behold, Tin Man’s oil can filled up! First with: Lavender,  Orange, Melissa, Sandalwood, Balance, and Elevation oils for all their Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia and more.

Then it was full of Frankincense, one of the most powerful oils of all time, which helped all their aches, pains, inflammation, confusion, wrinkles, fatigue, infections, pre-cancerous cells and SO much more.

Next is always a crowd favorite, Deep Blue. It instantly provided pain relief from sore achy muscles and joints, plus began the longer healing process with all their former injuries. Heavenly!

Then came Purify and On Guard oils to clean and disinfect their bodies, shoes and clothes. Dorothy was so glad to know she could clean her whole house and car with no toxic fumes for her or Toto to inhale. Ahhhhh.

Then the wonderful Melaleuca Oil for Toto’s painful chronic ear infections.  🙂

  • Headaches? Past Tense(blend) or Peppermint
  • ADD or ADHD symptoms? Vetiver, In Tune(blend), Lavender, Serenity(blend), Elevation(blend), Balance(blend), Frankincense, Melissa
  • Bug Repellant? Terrashield(blend)
  • Asthma/Allergies? Breathe(blend), Peppermint, Frankincense (2 drop Lemon+2 drops Lavender+2 drops Peppermint in an all natural veggie capsule= organic antihistamine)
  • Weight Issues? Slim and Sassy(blend)
  • Spider Issues? Peppermint diluted with water in a spray bottle
  • Wicked Witch? On Guard kills bacteria, viruses, and most bad things. 🙂  All doTERRA oils are Antibacterial.

There is so much more… but you get the idea. *Along with a healthy organic diet, lots of filtered water, exercise and good rest, and pure essential oils are another incredible solution to thousands of issues we all face every day.

be th elove

Please like and share if this can help someone else, or someone you love. BE WELL!!!

Many MIRACULOUS Blessings,

Sheli G Speaker | CEO Women Ignite | Team Igniter | Comedian