motivational coach sheli G

Posts tagged ‘Owner’

The Kiss of Networking Death

So I arrived at a great local networking gig.

I meet a cool guy. He is very personable, but not over the top. He seems self confident, but not an ego-maniac. We talked about the event, the now over recession, and how it truly offered most Americans a great opportunity to re-calibrate ourselves in our businesses and our lives. I was enjoying this very down to earth connection, and he had me genuinely curious about what business he was in….and then it happened.

bam bam

He gave me two business cards. Two cards from two totally different businesses. “HOLY CATFISH!” I thought. “That did NOT just happen….” But alas, it had.

Business networking/marketing yourself 101…. FAIL.

business cards too many

Then, it got worse. Not only did he give me two cards, the kiss of networking death, but they were not even remotely connected to one another! I won’t say what two businesses they were, in order to protect this poor guy from more tragedy. But two similar businesses would be: 1) I mow Lawns. 2) I also Custom Design Landscaping.

NOT similar businesses might be: 1) I am a Realtor by day and 2) a Tattoo Artist by night.

Why two business cards IS The Kiss of Networking Death

1) I just met you.

Listen- in that moment, I am trying to wrap my brain around all that I am learning about you, and what you do, and why I MIGHT possibly be interested. Your one business is as much as I can hope to metabolize. After all, I am surrounded with way interesting people, (Oh Shiny!) and I only have time to network with so many people before Cinderella’s ride turns all pumpkin- and I need to go. Two businesses??… and there it went. My head just exploded.


2) I don’t have time for your why.

You may have the absolute best reason in the world (or not) for the 2 or more businesses that you do, whether they are related or not. But I don’t have enough time to get your why, or be enrolled into all of that. That said, I personally have more than one stream of income, and more importantly, more than one tool in my tool-belt that I pull out to strategically help various companies and clients. But I only have one card. IF for some reason there is a great reason for two, only give one out at any given event, and pick your primary one, for the target market you are wanting to connect with at that event.

3) Most people will think you just cannot make one business successful.

It’s true, isn’t it? They will assume you have your irons in too many fires, and that you are the master of none. Again- this may not be true, but it’s an easy assumption to make when you don’t know someone.

People have short attention spans. People are quick to judge. (you have between 3-7 seconds before they make a judgement about you) And they need to resonate with your message, so they can identify why they need to align with you. The message needs to be crystal, pin-point clear. Don’t have a split personality business. Have a passion, and a clear intention. THAT is what will interest them to take and keep your ONE card, and hopefully YOU.

business cards cool

PS- If you are not super stoked about your cards when you are handing them out, get new ones. 🙂

sheli  G
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach

“It’s time to unleash the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

sheli G card #1

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5 things my Dog taught me about Business

Dogs are amazing. They innately know some things that we as Leaders deserve to observe and implement about business, and people.

5) If you smell, it’s time for a bath.

Black pug in hoodie on a white background

Good hygiene and grooming are very important in business. No matter what business you are in, you need to avoid offending people with how you look or smell. Every business has a dress code or culture to follow with great variances. But whatever that code is, be the best in your field. For Leaders and Business Owners wanting to gain clients, there are some keys to your best look:

~ Keep Hair clean, cut and up to date on style. (if you don’t know, go to a salon that knows and get them to help you or at least affirm or debate what you think is a good style/cut)

~ Clothes should ALWAYS, in all ways, be clean, pressed, and be the right SIZE. (when you gain or lose weight, get the new size. Tight on cash? Go thrifting or Ebaying for great deals)

~ Shoes always need to be polished, by you or someone. (unpolished shoes send all kinds of negative messages to your boss, clients etc)

~ Shower daily. Yep.

~ Teeth & breath need to be clean. (if you smoke and or drink coffee, brush after or use a mint or mouthwash please)

4) If you bark loudly and/or often, you will struggle with people- often.

As an extroverted person myself, I learned this important lesson: There is a difference between your inside voice and your outside voice. (If you don’t know what I mean, get a coach or mentor to explain)    🙂

3) Forgiveness is King.

dog kid

Forgiveness allows the relationship to reset endlessly, love unconditionally, and your tail to wag frequently.

We all make mistakes. It’s called being human. Let 99% roll off, and work out the rest. Save your energy for your work goals… avoid the drama!

2) Train them up in the way they should go.

Dogs act exactly how their owner trains them to. So do people. Be accountable as a Manager, Leader or Business Owner. Train them correctly, support them adequately, and they will succeed. If they don’t, they need more training and support, perhaps more than just by you. Bring in a neutral, objective Business and Life Coach. (*Hint- if your whole team is not acting as you would like them to, it’s not the individuals, it’s the system, the leadership, or both.)

1) The best dogs are irreplaceable.

dog backpack

And so are great people. They are not expendable.

~ Get really good people in the RIGHT job for them. *No one succeeds long-term in the wrong position. (which means YOU need to find, screen and place or transfer them well)

~ Train and support them exceptionally well in business, and their life. (they are not neatly separated with walls as we would like to think)

~ And above all, encourage and affirm their strengths.We get a lot of negative. We need to know what IS working about what we are doing, which propels us to do that more.

Employees, partners or associates will be very loyal to you, as you create and maintain a healthy, positive business culture for them to thrive in.

Many Blessings,
sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach