motivational coach sheli G

Posts tagged ‘Heal’

It’s my Birthday and I’ll Blog if I want too…

happy birthday blog

YES- It is really my birthday. Today I am 44.

It’s my birthday, so I am (trying) to do what I think I should, and what everyone on Facebook says I should: Be spoiled, pampered, relax, enjoy my day.

But to me, as with any true Entrepreneur, this is….weird, awkward…. (and super hard!)

I wake up at 5 or 6AM if I sleep in, and begin to pray and meditate about my day. Then my brain takes over: What logistics do I need to handle? Phone calls, meetings, articles to write, stuff to follow up on, blog! Then on to what really matters: Who do I need to connect with today? Who needs help, support, encouragement, education, tips, inspiration, a warning, a scripture, honesty, strategy, a referral, consultation, counsel, challenge, or love?

And of course there are my three kids, Tyger 14, Teisha 7 and Trae 5. They keep me very busy, laughing, growing and challenged. Then there is my husband… aka my other kid 🙂

Did I mention my three dogs? Yep (ask my kid of a husband about how we got 3) Honey, Hurley and Belle.

And the house. Oh, the many (many) many to do’s that are always lurking within.

kids n us 2013

Family, Charity, Business, Ministry…. time for me? That is just silly talk- usually. Many Entrepreneurs do much of their work from a home office these days. So the boundaries are hard to draw. Everywhere we look, the desk, computer, the house… the freakin yard (yikes) it all begs to be tended to. Like most small business owners, I have to seriously prioritize, attack, and then release at the end of the day what I have not yet achieved.

But alas, when I facilitate Strategic Business or Breakthrough Life Coaching with a client, I always tell them to make sure they are blocking out time for them! To rejuvenate, relax, think, pray, laugh, eat, heal. Hmmmmmm.

So today is my birthday. (I know, I repeated that…I am really just reminding myself) I normally totally ignore my birthday, and just do work and life as per usual.

SOooooo I am blogging, eating potato chips with coffee, going to go back to bed for a couple of hours and watch an action movie I have wanted to watch but have not had (made) time for. I am going to listen to ridiculously good music. I am going to pet my adorable dogs. I am going to not worry so much about my long list of to do’s, should do’s, and my longer list of people I so want to help support in some way. When I come back (tomorrow) I will be REIGNITED! Y E S!

And I will be connecting, I hope, with YOU.

birthday blog sheli g

Many Blessings,
sheli  G

Certified International Business, Leadership & Life Success Coach