motivational coach sheli G

Posts tagged ‘Startups’

TOP 5 Work Relationship Tips

“People don’t care how much you know, until they (really) know how much you care.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt

5. Be kind.

Too many egos, too much brain damage. With so many employment options, and with Entrepreneurs popping up everywhere, it’s time to refocus our compassionate tools. If we dig down deep- everyone who is healthy cares. It’s about authentically and intentionally showing it, regularly. I know, you may not be a “huger”… although 3 hugs a day does keep the doctor away. 🙂  *But it’s the genuinely warm comments, personal relationships, birthday wishes and so on that keep work from feeling like a “have to.”

4. Collaborate.

Some leaders feel they are too busy to collaborate with most employees. I believe that’s their mistake. This is a collaborative world. If you hire Millennials, (18-30) that is the ONLY world they will stay a part of for any length of time. We no longer wish to take part of that worn out, overly authoritative corporate model of our parents generation, although some companies are still slow to evolve. Some leaders think it takes too much energy to connect with their people outside of agenda driven meetings (yawn). But- it takes more energy to do the damage control, and deal with the constant turn over resulting from not taking time to treat employees or volunteers like their difference TRULY matters. If you manage a team, hear them out. Block out team dialogue times at least 4 times per year. Brainstorm. Get feedback. Have fun doing it. Learn. Be genuinely interested. Let them have some skin in the game. It will make them feel a part. It will expand your knowledge and perspective. It will encourage great relationships. People are so smart and creative. *They don’t want to work like robots.

happy meeting

3. Appreciate.

Throw a really cool, FUN party. Don’t give a sales meeting or do any “work laundry” there. Relax. Connect. Leave your cell phone in the car. Celebrate. LAUGH. Give Starbucks cards out occasionally (or a good local coffee shop that does the community well) Give Turkeys (organic) or Sparkling Apple Cider during the holidays. Give an extra day break close to a weekend sometime, just because. If your company is making fabulous money, give a nice bonus or a trip out. *Honor those faithful people. They will be happier, and happy people produce more, and stay longer.

“The day soldiers stop bring you their problems is the day that you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help, or concluded that you do not care. Either case is failure of leadership.”
~Colin Powell

2. Listen.

Workplaces are made up of people. People who think, live, dream, have issues, have questions, have stories. Leadership means listening…even when it takes up time. Even when it’s out of your comfort zone. Even when it’s about personal stuff. People need people, and good leaders support and mentor their team by listening. *If they seem to need too much support, have them hire a Business or Life Success Coach. Bringing in a professional team building coach for your team can also be a fun and relationship-building experience all can grow from.

1. Model.
World Changing Leaders model great attitude, authenticity, kindness, hard work, innovation and humor. Act the way you want your employees to act, but understand they will do this in their own way, and in their own strengths. Extrovert or introvert. Verbose or quiet. Creative or analytical. *Make sure they are in the right spot for them, where they can work in or from their fabulous strengths. Today- it’s the only way.
“A leader is a dealer in hope.”~Napoleon Bonaparte
Many Blessings,
Many Blessings,
sheli  G
CEO Women Ignite Idaho Conference and Trade Show
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to ignite the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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Contact me: Skype coach.sheli

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The Explosive power of the Collective

happy meeting

Mastermind Groups.

We have all heard of them. IF you have not been in a GREAT one, you are missing an incredible  amount of opportunity to expand yourself, your business, and your INCOME- in record time.

What is a Mastermind? (just a room full of superegos?)

I am glad you asked. A GOOD mastermind is not about stroking egos. (unless that is the intention of the group)

A Mastermind by definition is: a person who grows, makes or invents things, someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality, a person who plans and directs skillfully. In a Mastermind group or team, you simply add the collective to this, *which significantly amplifies the results. (YES!)

Collaboration is: to work jointly with others especially in an intellectual endeavor. Collaboration is the key to unlocking objective, exponential ideas, unlimited resources, power connections and critical information.

The Gathering Choose in

What’s the best Mastermind Team for me?

You deserve to be a part of a Mastermind team that has something in common with you and where you are going, or what your highest intention is. Are you just wanting a free, casual, non-accountable group? Or a higher level one where the members expect real, tangible growth? There is no right or wrong here, but there is a big difference.

There are different kinds of groups which can be brilliantly collaborative, like: Entrepreneurs, Sales, Marketing, Start Ups, Christian Business Owners, Women’s groups and Men’s groups. Sometimes the varying backgrounds can be a massive opportunity to support one another and get support, since we all know our strengths and challenges, and develop a well oiled reciprocating system that pays huge dividends.

The Leader of the Mastermind

leadership 1

Listen- your Mastermind will be as good as it’s leader. Period.

The Best Mastermind groups are run by leaders who have 1) Achieved measurable, obvious success in the area they are facilitating! 2) Have a proven system in place from start to finish that efficiently guides all the brainpower in the room (otherwise it’s chaos)  3) A never-ending desire to grow themselves and 4) A desire to genuinely help their students with compassion and truth in their journey.


circle of people

The good news is: Mastermind groups that are working WELL are objective, and sometimes even brutally honest. The truth is, you may not always like what you hear. You may hear things like: “Your website sucks- and Aunt Margaret should NOT have created it for you.” You may hear that your power point presentation puts people to sleep. You may hear that your attire or professional appearance needs an update (asap). You may hear that you need to spend more money to make more money. In fact, the high level Mastermind groups cost significant money. AND- they are worth it.

The good news is: you DESERVE to hear the objective feedback, both nice and not, to expand and grow yourself and your income rapidly, which is why most of us are in a Mastermind group.

The other good news is: you will receive a tremendous amount of affirmation about your strengths, gifts and abilities, perhaps even in areas you did not have on your radar before!

Got Results?

It’s like a Purse (or a Murse if you are a man), YOU GET OUT OF IT WHAT YOU you YOU PUT INTO IT. Period. There is no magic pill or cliffs-notes here. If you cheat- you cheat yourself, as well as the group. So doing the risk-taking goal setting, the homework, the calls, the meetings, and spending the time, money, energy… and risking questioning everything you are currently doing- ready to let go of what you need to… all of that makes this game really work.  So it ain’t for the weary, the victims, the overly prideful or the frauds.

The Bottom Line.

IF you do all the work, and truly play to win on every level, you will be absolutely thrilled with what you get out of it. And, MORE importantly in the big picture, you will love the giving. What can you offer and give to others? You have unique skills, strengths, gifts, and experiences. In the end, we feel the best when we give to and serve others. This is still a key to why most people who we deem “successful” got where they are. It’s not all about you.

Email me if you are interested in a mastermind, we will find you a compatible one, Let’s SCALE!

Helping Hand

Many Blessings,
sheli  G
CEO Women Ignite Idaho Conference and Trade Show
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International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to ignite the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

Facebook LinkedIn WordPress YouTube pinterest
Contact me: Skype coach.sheli