motivational coach sheli G

Snorting Coffee

So I was getting ready to speak.

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We have a super cool local networking group in Idaho, lead by the amazing Brandon Wright, you can find them here:

I absolutely love to speak. And I, like most speakers, have my own ” Pre-game rituals ” if you will. You know, all those things that especially when you give a presentation you make sure that you do, to be on your “A” game, to feel really grounded and well prepared. So I did what all good speakers do: I kicked my family out of the house so I could study.  🙂  I made a fabulous cup of Joe. I hunkered down at the computer to hang out with Google and my stuff.

I took a big drink of my organic coffee with Coconut Vanilla creamer…YUM…..and then, it happened.

I got a little tickle in my throat.

A seemingly harmless, normally no big deal tickle. But, my throat decided the tickle was a terrorist, and chose to cough it out, HARD!  So I knew what I had to do…I held it in.

I had to hold it in.

I had my computer, keyboard, papers, iPhone… all in my line of fire and at high risk at this point. I had to soldier up, and hold that bad boy down….regardless. But this cough, it was relentless. Oh I held it down…BUT, I somehow snorted the coffee that was in my mouth, up my nasal passage the back way. Yes, yes it did come out my nose. Interesting sensation much.

After the initial nasal caffeinated shock…it was funny. Very funny. I started to laugh, which made me snort again, because I am a snorter. (I just had never reverse snorted before.) I was like, “If they could only see me now; no makeup, sitting in my BSU pajamas, reverse snorting coffee…what a classy lady!!!”
It was actually a fabulous start to my morning. Laughter…it’s so incredibly important!

“There are a lot of performers who make people laugh. There are a lot of speakers who give solid principles for living. I want to do both.” ~Mark Gungor

Statistics show that little kids laugh 400 times a day. One study showed that adults laugh only eleven, or less.
What does Laughter do for us?
  • Boost the immune system and circulatory system
  • Enhance oxygen intake
  • Stimulate the heart and lungs
  • Relax muscles throughout the body
  • Trigger the release of endorphins (the body’s natural painkillers)
  • Ease digestion/soothes stomach aches
  • Relieve pain
  • Balance blood pressure
  • Improve mental functions (i.e., alertness, memory, creativity)
  • Improve overall attitude
  • Reduce stress/tension
  • Promote relaxation
  • Improve sleep
  • Enhance quality of life
  • Strengthen social bonds and relationships
  • Produce a general sense of well-being

I was at the Les Brown Speakers boot-camp. Les Brown is considered the Best Inspirational Speaker in the world, now that the great Zig Ziglar has passed on. He laughs so hard, SO often. You get your monies worth out of every event he puts on, just because you laugh so much and feel so good!  I noticed, as a speaker, I was holding back my laughter much of the time.  I believe it was a subconscious reaction, because my laugh is often really loud, and I snort! So when using a microphone, this is all amplified. But I realized after watching him just let it rip, that I was ripping off myself and my audience. Laughter is one of the best things ever, to relax your audience, and prepare them. Right after someone laughs, their defenses are down but for a moment in time, and you can deliver that deep thought seamlessly.


So laugh.

Don’t take yourself so seriously. Have fun. MAKE some fun. And try snorting coffee. You and your sinuses will never be so clear.


sheli  G
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to unleash the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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