motivational coach sheli G

Posts tagged ‘Employee Training’

The “Balance” Self Test

People in the U.S. often talk about “Balance”.

So, what is that anyway?


[bal-uhns] noun, verb, bal·anced, bal·anc·ing. noun. A harmonious or satisfying arrangement or proportion of parts or elements, To bring into or maintain in a state of equilibrium, A stable mental or psychological state; emotional stability.

In my Business and Life Mastery Coaching and workshops, I often hear this: “I am trying to gain, maintain or realize balance in my life…” But it is rarely perceived as achieved by most people I know. Or perhaps we wouldn’t know it even if we did achieve it. It’s a bit allusive. It is best defined not in the collective perspective at all, but individually. What represents balance for one, is boring to another, and to yet another is quite overwhelming. I believe a state of balance for all of us is a fluid, ever-changing process. From week to week, month to month and so on, *this balance that I strive for must continually be weighed out by me, for me.
Weighing my balance
scale wellness
This is a self-assessment chart that I like to use for myself, and my clients. It’s very simple, and can be modified as you have other areas that you would like to rate yourself on. You can see on each category petal, there are 10 dots.  Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10, 1 being the lowest balance and needing work, 10 being as balanced as it gets, or perfect. Do each category, and then notice, what areas need the most improvement? Depending on your personality, you can structure your own Call To Action accordingly.
If you tend to get overwhelmed, take one area that needs the most attention, and work on it for a week while you continue to do your best in the other areas too. *But have that one area that you can focus on for improvement, one day at a time. Then add in another area as you are ready.
pie chart wellness
*A Life Mastery Coach can be really helpful here to assist you in addressing your lower areas, while encouraging you not to go into guilt or overwhelm. *Marinating in feelings of guilt and overwhelm serve no value, and can rob you of the precious energy you need to self-correct.

Overachievers who like to get a lot of results NOW might take on your top 2-3 areas that are lowest, and work on those. Focus on those for a month, then assess yourself again.

This is a great thing to do weekly or monthly as needed. BEING AWARE of these areas is a huge part of being balanced! Sometimes we are unknowingly off, and we just need that realignment of focus to help us adjust the sails.
As an Entrepreneur, Leader or Manager of a team
You can also see how your team is doing using a similar method. People are not motivated to work harder from the outside in, aka: a typical sales meeting, applied pressure (or shame), big goals and numbers. If they are, it’s a very temporary motivator. You want inspired employees, long term! That means they are motivated from the INside out, hence INspired. To do this, they need the self-awareness of what is working, and what isn’t working, or what needs adjustment. Employees will adjust themselves- when we empower them. Give them a tool to self test, and the time and resources to adjust. For a business context, the above pie chart categories may read more like: Retail Sales…Work relationships…File Completeness…Deadlines Met…Conversions achieved…Punctuality…Customer Service Scores… or whatever the culture of your business or team holds as valuable.
Also having a Dynamic Professional Facilitator to take your team or business through things like this can be positively enlightening, a ton of FUN, and then you can be there with your team rating yourself. Modeling accountability, responsibility and awareness to your team is profound, and speaks volumes over a typical business-as-usual meeting.
modern meeting
Sometimes, we all HYPER FOCUS.
That big project or event you are hosting. The family reunion that is at YOUR house. The big client that are you trying to land. The baby you just had. The Grand Opening of your business! The much needed vacation. The home remodel or move. Your company being bought out by another….
There are times we just have to get through an event, a season, or a rites of passage time in our life… and do the best we can, with a lot of energy going towards that 1 big goal or event.
When that benchmark is achieved, we can do our self test and re-align.
What suffered the most during that time, or in other words received the least amount of your energy? Your family? Your Sales? Your health? Relationships? Your charity or church? Again- this can only be assessed by you, for you. But when we hyper focus, we need to take a pause when we come up for air, and intentionally decide what the next chapter will look like.When I leave the country to go do workshops and seminars for a week, I make it up to my kids both before and after I get back. I block out a bunch of time that is just for them. No phone calls taken or meetings, just my undivided attention. That’s part of my balance.
Balance is important, although not easily defined. Do the test. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s a never-ending process. As life changes, so do we. *Self-assessing, which then leads to Self-awareness, are the two first big steps in achieving the right balance for you.

Many Blessings,
sheli  G
International Speaker
Master Certified Business Coach
World Changer Leadership & Life Mastery Coach
“It’s time to unleash the World Changer in YOU!” ~sheli G

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